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The Judgement of Paris & The trojan war

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The Judgement of Paris & The trojan war
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Texte du Storyboard

  • "On Mount Olympus, a decadent wedding feast was held and all the gods were invited."
  • "Eris, was mistakenly left off the guest list. Angered by the oversight, Eris sought revenge. She appeared at the party and rolled a golden apple amongst the party guests. Upon the golden apple was written, “To The Fairest.” Three Olympian goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, all claimed the prize."
  • "To settle the matter, Zeus asked Hermes, the messenger god, to appoint an impartial judge. Hermes chose the beautiful young mortal Paris, who was the son of Priam, the king of Troy.
  • "Each goddess tried to influence Paris with a special gift. Athena offered him victory in war. Hera offered to make him ruler of the world, while Aphrodite proposed to give him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife. Paris chose Aphrodite."
  • I'll give you a victory in war
  • I'll make you ruler of the world
  • I choose Aphrodite
  • "I'll give you the most beautiful woman in the world"
  • yay!
  • "Lured by Aphrodite’s promise, Paris visited the palace of Menalaus at Sparta. Going against all the sacred rules of hospitality, Paris seduced the queen and abducted (stole) her back to Troy. The theft of Helen was an act of outrage"
  • Odysseus, had the idea to build a large wooden horse, known as the Trojan Horse. The Greeks hid warriors inside the horse and left it at the gate of Troy. Meanwhile, they pretended to sail away. That night the Trojans took the Horse into their city and the warriors crept out and threw open the city’s gates. The Greeks entered, sacked the city and claimed a victorious end to the great Trojan War. 
  • Yay!
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