""Go away Rocco! I can't believe this is happening. I want to run away! Who can I get to read this letter? Yetta! She can!"
"Come back Bella! Don't go!"
~Yetta~ Text to Text
"Jane, what does the letter say?"
"Please! What does the letter say? Is my family dead? Is it true!?"
"It-it says that they regret to inform us that- that they have lost their lives, due to a fever of some sort..."
~Jane~ Text to Text
"Celeste you know your father is just going to buy you new ones if they get damaged."
Oh no, what about mine?
"I forgot to wear my old boots, I wore my new ones, you don't think they will get wrecked do you?
Bella was running, as fast as she could as long as she could, after she heard the news that her family had died. She kept comparing herself to her old self. Always saying, the old bella would do this. A text to text connection would be the book Restart. In the book, the main character would always be compared to his old self.
~Bella~ Text to World
I'm so tired...but I can't give up! I can't stop. How will mother eat?
When Bella ran to Yetta, hoping she could translate a letter, she met up with Jane and Yetta. They all met eachother at the end of the section. A text to text connection is in the novel Refugee, when it also had three persectives and the characters were all connected at the end. This is similar to the Uprising because the three characters also met eachother.
~Yetta~ Text to World
"Hey! Stop! Don't do that! That is not what we're doing here! Do not hit them!"
What is happeninng? We are doing nothing wrong they cant arrest us! Please don't go into the factoy!
Jane was once spoiled and rich, she changed for the better after given the oppurtunity to go to the strike that was happening. However, Jane's friends were still very spoiled as they weren't taught nothing but ladylike things. A text to text connection would be with the book Praire Lotus, there was a character named Nellie that was very spoiled and treated others terribly.
~Jane~ Text to World
This is absurbed! I cannot go to school? College is where I want to be!
"Here is a letter for you, from Eleanor. It just arrived in the mail."
Bella is very overworked, from spending hours at a sewing machine sewing shirtwaists to making flowers for Signora Luciano. Many people now are very overworked and are almost working until they drop. www.worldvison.ca states that there are about 152 million victims of child labor, world wide.
When Yetta and some of the other strikers were protesting, they were attacked and beaten. A text to world connection here is that in our real world, there are many people that get arrested and beaten when silently protesting. www.theguardian.com states that more than 10,000 people were arrested in the US.
Jane recieved a letter one day when she awoke from her slumber. It was a letter from Eleanor that said that Jane's father did not allow her to attend college. Now, some girls still aren't allowed to attend school or recieve an education. www.worldvison.ca claims that it is estimated that 130 million girls don't attend school worldwide.