Hello! It's so useful to have these smartphones now since we can call each other from anywhere!
Teen group 1 proceeds to call Teen group 2 via smart phone*
Actually i agree but I wonder how that could be possible?
Teen group 2
Oh hello! Yeah I know right? it's so easy to talk to each other because of smartphones but I also wonder how its possible.
Oh I believe it could be possible because of Electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves?what are those?
Yeah They operate with radio frequencies, a form of electromagnetic energy located on the electromagnetic spectrum
Oh Electromagnetic waves are quite vague so we'll break it down to multiple parts. 1st the radio waves which is the one that is making our phone call work.
Then What about the other parts?
I believe those are Microwave, Infrared, visible, ultraviolet, xray and gamma ray
Yeah and I believe that Wave frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time.
Yeah he got it all right all of them have different frequency waves though.