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Comic strip

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Comic strip
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • By:Aldrin& Julian
  • Hampshire: We made the first constitution
  • In 1776, New Hampshire adopted the first constitution. Later on other colonies adopted this change
  • State Constitution
  • In 1787, congress passed an act establishing rules on how parts of the northwest territory could become a state
  • People in Ohio: I wish Ohio was a state
  • The Northwest Ordinance
  • Congress: GOT YOU FAM!
  • The Ordinance
  • 1-800-
  • Land For Sale
  • In 1885, people made the ordinance to sell the territory of the northwest river of Ohio
  • In 1787, Shay protested man with a group of American farmers.
  • Shay:GET HIM!
  • Shay's Rebellion
  • Creating Artical's of Confederation
  • Congress: Articles will fix everything
  • However, there are many downsides to the articles like, no power to collect taxes. This affected the navy,army...
  • In 1781, congress made the artical so each state will be individual and have its own laws
  • Army: We are not getting and $$$
  • Weakness of the Artical's of Confederations
  • The Need For a Change
  • After many bad attempts, Congress choose to take time making a better gov.
  • Congress:We should change the Government!!
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