Hate speech is unlikable in a mainstream society, but it's not illegal. Many Americans assume hate speech isn't fully protected under the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. They need to understand that that hate speech and discriminatory expression should be fully protected under the 1st Amendment because these are our basic rights.
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Hate Speech Is Protected SpeechBy: Steven Moccio
Freedom of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment
People have a right to peaceably assemble and can express themselves
Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech
Freedom of speech includes Hate Speech, even if it's unlikable
But hate speech that leads to violence is not legal
I don't like you and what you have to say! I'm gonna burn down this place!
Now that hate speech has led to violence, and a criminal act, it is longer protected by the 1st Amendment! We can't let fear of violence for speaking out control us!
You are going to jail!
We have a right to protest!
However, protests, (even hateful ones) are LEGAL!
We can express ourselves!
I don't agree with what they are saying, but it's their right to say it
Freedom of speech, differences of opinion & even hate speech is allowed, so there long is there is no violence
Freedom of speech CAN however lead to persecution!!!!
Debbie Almontaser, a Muslim woman named to head the 1st Arabic language school was forced to resign her position because protesters in the NYC area disagreed with her use of the word "Infadia." Her free speech resulted in her persecution and firing.
Intifada! We don't want a terrorist for head of our school!
My freedom of speech has resulted in PERSECUTION!
If you don't look like me LEAVE!
To protect freedom of speech, you have protect speech you don't agree with, or we ALL lose our rights...
You can say what you want, be we have rights too under the 1st Amendment!
As citizens, we need to protect our rights to free speech. Otherwise the government will force THEIR definition of free speech upon you. Their definition becomes YOURS, which is a violation of your rights.
You can't speak out against the government! It's hate speech!
You can't criticize us! It's illegal now!
How can we combat hate speech, while protecting our rights under the 1st Amendment???
Start a Counter-Protest!!!
LOVE not HATE!!!
By protecting free speech, (even hate speech) we protect free speech for ALL!
Freedom of speech is a right for all Americans that must be protected
The End
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