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Socal Studies Ancient Israel

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Socal Studies Ancient Israel
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • The Story of Abraham
  • Abraham, leave Ur and go to Canaan, the Promised Land. Your descendants will lead the tribes once you are there. This is my covenant with you.
  • Yes, God.
  • We are nearly at the Promised Land, Isaac and Jacob.
  • We are finally here; now we can all rest in the Promised Land God has given us.
  • We've reached the Promised land, Abraham, and called it our home. God must be pleased that you led us here.
  • My sons, the famine has become too great. Let us move to Egypt where there is a great supply of grain.
  • The Story of Moses
  • Don't worry my little baby. You'll be safe.
  • But God, how can I set your people free when my father was the man who killed thousands of their children?
  • Moses, I will be with you in Egypt, and with your staff you will do my wonders!
  • Darkness
  • Biting Insects
  • Wild Animals
  • Locust
  • Boils
  • Fire Hail
  • Death of every firstborn son
  • Nile River to blood
  • Livestock dying
  • Frogs
  • You are no longer slaves; you are free. God will lead us to his Promised Land, and he has given us the ten commandments to follow!

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