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Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

A hero who comes from the Land of Geats Sweden, travels across the sea to Heorot to battle against the monsters that are terrorizing the kindgom.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Grendel was born of the hatred of Cain. He has been terrorizing the Kingdom Herot for 12 years and has killed 30 warriors.
  • The Monster Grendel
  • The Hero was Beowulf, a strong warrior traveled the seas from his home the Land of the Geats in Sweden when he heard the Kingdom of Herot with 14 of his best warriors.
  • Herot Needs a Hero
  • When Beowulf and his men make their arrival, the Herot men first took them as a spy, but Beowulf says they're not an enemy. King Hrothgar welcomes Beowulf. He says he has come to his kindom to slay Grendel.
  • Beowulf's Arrival
  • Beowulf decides to battle Grendel without weapons. He and his warriors waited in the mead hall. Grendel arrives and The Geats weapons were useless, but when he fights Beowulf, he rips off the monster's arm, which then Grendel runs off.
  • Beowulf Defeats Grendel
  • Beowulf shows the monster's arm as proof of Grendel's defeat, the kingdom throws a celebration for Beowulf on his victory.
  • Celebration of Grendel's Defeat
  • Grendel stumbles back to his hideout, where he dies from his injuries. Grendel's mother was full of grief and rage goes after Beowulf.
  • A Mother's Grief
  • Beowulf and his men go after Grendel's mother at her water lair, and Beowulf decides to battle her alone. Beowulf uses a sword, which was flourished by giants and strikes the monster killing her.
  • Beowulf Slays Grendel's Mother
  • After slaying Grendel's mother and returns to Herot with Grendel's head. The King and his people offer Beowulf gifts.
  • King Hrothgar rewards Beowulf
  • Beowulf returns to his home the Land of the Geats in Sweden. King Hygelac and his son died in a battle, Beowulf became king for 50 years.
  • Beowulf Becomes King
  • A fire breathing dragon terrorizes Geats, when someone stoled a valuable piece from of treasure from its hideout. Beowulf battles the dragon, while all but one man (Wiglaf) retreat.
  • King Beowulf battles a Dragon
  • After Beowulf slays the dragon, he was inguried by a poisonous wound. Beowulf tells Wiglaf to let him have glimpse of a piece of the dragons treasure and then \dies.
  • Hero's Demise
  • Wiglaf puts together King Beowulfs funeral and was ordered by Beowulf to have a barrow build to mark the burial site of his remains.
  • King Beowulf's Funeral
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