Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Create your own at StoryboardThat.comHAMARTIA HUBRIS PERIPETEIA ANAGNORISIS NEMESIS CATHARSIS The flaw that causes the hero's downfall. Excessive pride A reversal of fortune The moment when the hero makes a critical discovery A fate that cannot be avoided The feeling of pity or fear the audience experiences after the hero's fall.
Traagisia sankareita voidaan nähdä televisiossa, elokuvissa ja kirjallisuudessa. On tärkeää määritellä tämä arkkityyppi ja ymmärtää, kuinka ne vaikuttavat juoniin. Kuvakäsikirjoituksia käyttämällä opiskelijat luovat interaktiivisen tavan sisäistää käsite ja rakentavat puitteet traagisten sankarien havaitsemiseksi koko kirjallisuuden kautta.