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Milestones and Significance of Numerous Instances ofExpansion

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Milestones and Significance of Numerous Instances ofExpansion
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the New Louisiana Territory
  • There is a lot of nature here that is new. Ive never seen this bird before; we shall call it "Lewis's Woodpecker"
  • Look at all this land! President Jefferson will not be dissapointed!
  • Here is the Shoshone Tribe, we should treat them peacefully.
  • the Original 300 Families Moving to Texas
  • This is great! Although I dont really identify with the Mexican Government, we will prosper with this great land!
  • So kind of Stephen F. Austin to let us come here to Texas!
  • Even though we've had to convert to Catholicism, surely this great land will ensure our prosperity!
  • the Terrible Trail of Tears
  • You have to walk to the reservation in the new territory or else you will be killed.
  • If you can't carry your child then we will dispose of it.
  • Please don't kill my baby!
  • From the perspective of Indigenous nations, the Louis and Clark expedition was significant because it led to encroachment on their territories. From the perspective of white settlers, the Louis and Clark expedition was significant because it scouted out land that settlers would soon claim in the 1820s and familiarized them with the land they were about to steal from the Indigenous.
  • Zachary Taylor and American Troops Capturing the Key City of Monterrey
  • the USA's Army with Zachary Taylor
  • We will capture Monterrey so you cant use the city as a base!
  • 1804
  • the Mexican Army
  • From the perspective of enslaved peoples, the Original 300 families meant that the institution of slavery would grow and prosper leading to delays in progress toward abolition and more mistreatment and oppression towards Africans. From the perspective of white settlers, the Original 300 families moving to Texas meant mild assimilation into Mexico, which led to people who weren't Mexican nor white and their disassociation from Mexico, which created tension.
  • The Oregon Trail Teeming with Settlers
  • Are you sure we packed everything?
  • Kids, dont worry! your mother and I packed everything for the big move.
  • 1820-1830
  • From the perspective of the Cherokee, the Trail of tears was significant because it cut down the Cherokee population by nearly one-third and weakened the Cherokee against attacks from white settlers. From the perspective of white settlers, the Trail of Tears was significant because it meant more land for them to take advantage of for economic growth and fewer resources spent at battle with the Cherokee.
  • The Wrongful Massacre at Wounded Knee Creek
  • We are doing something great for America!
  • 1838
  • From the perspective of America, the battle at Monterrey was significant because Santa Anna brought many soldiers to Monterrey which would mean fewer soldiers to defend California and New Mexico against America. From the perspective of Mexico, Monterrey meant that fewer soldiers and resources would be produced, therefore weakening Mexico by keeping them from potential resources and soldiers.
  • 1846
  • We will defend our Monterrey and shoo you useless Americans away!
  • From the perspective of American settlers, the Oregon Trail was significant because more land of good quality and discovery of gold meant economic growth which would lead to a strengthened economy and military. From the perspective of Indigenous Nations, the Oregon Trail was significant because more settlers meant more conflict and being forced out of ancestral land into skimpy reservations with terrible land that sometimes meant starvation.
  • Where are we going?
  • 1840-1850
  • We are going to a plentiful place with good soil and resources: the West!
  • From the perspective of the Sioux and northwest Native Nations, the Wounded Knee Massacre was significant because years of oral traditions passed down and legacy was lost through the hundreds of people wrongly massacred. From the perspective of Americans, the Wounded Knee massacre was significant because celebrating the murderers of innocent Indigenous people painted a picture of Native Nations as lesser to future generations.
  • We will punish this group of savages for killing our beloved 7th Cavalier!
  • 1890
  • Please have mercy on us and our beautiful Wounded Knee Creek!
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