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Discussion Storyboard - MS - Kinetic Energy

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Create your own at Storyboard That The students are looking at the kinetic energy of two toy cars. Both cars are travelling at the same speed, but the blue car has more mass than the red car.SaraChelseaJoseCurtis Who do you think is correct? Both the blue and red car havethe same kineticenergy since they are travelling at the same velocity. The blue car hasthe most kinetic energy because it is the biggest. The red car has the most kinetic energy because it has less mass. The blue car hasthe most kinetic energy as it has more mass.
Discussion Storyboard - MS - Kinetic Energy
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Science Keskustelu Storyboards

Kirjailija: Oliver Smith

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Science Discussion: Which car has more kinetic energy?

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Who do you think is correct?
  • The blue car has the most kinetic energy as it has more mass.
  • The red car has the most kinetic energy because it has less mass.
  • The blue car has the most kinetic energy because it is the biggest.
  • Both the blue and red car have the same kinetic energy since they are travelling at the same velocity.
  • The students are looking at the kinetic energy of two toy cars. Both cars are travelling at the same speed, but the blue car has more mass than the red car.
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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