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Discussion Storyboard - ES - Snowman

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Melting Snowman





Who do you think is correct?

It isn't the temperature that will make him melt, it's the light! We need to put him somewhere dark.

I don't think the jacket will make any difference!

If you put a jacket on the snowman, it will make him too hot and he will melt.

If you put a jacket on the snowman, it will keep him cold so he will last longer.


Discussion Storyboard - ES - Snowman
Storyboard That

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Tiedekeskustelujen Tuntisuunnitelmat

Science Keskustelu Storyboards

Kirjailija: Oliver Smith

Discussion Storyboard on kuvakäsikirjoitus, joka on suunniteltu edistämään keskustelua luokkahuoneessa. Jokainen kuvakäsikirjoitus on tilanne tai kysymys, joka on yhdistetty visuaaliseen ja erilaiseen tilanteeseen.


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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Science Discussion - Would putting a jacket on the snowman make it melt more quickly?

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Who do you think is correct?
  • If you put a jacket on the snowman, it will keep him cold so he will last longer.
  • If you put a jacket on the snowman, it will make him too hot and he will melt.
  • =
  • I don't think the jacket will make any difference!
  • It isn't the temperature that will make him melt, it's the light! We need to put him somewhere dark.
  • Melting Snowman
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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