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Transcontinental Railroad 5 Ws og H

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Transcontinental Railroad 5 Ws og H
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Svar på spørsmålene for: "hvem, hva, når, hvor, hvorfor og hvordan" angående den første transkontinentale jernbanen i USA.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • HOW did it impact the U.S.?
  • HVA var den transkontinentale jernbanen?
  • WHEN was it built?
  • 1863-1869
  • 1863-1869
  • Jernbanen tillot USA å vokse eksponentielt. Bosetterne flyttet vestover, store byer og blomstrende næringer ble bygget. Imidlertid gikk den gjennom indianere, og ødela mange første nasjoner. Det var også et rasistisk tilbakeslag mot tilstrømningen av innvandrere som bygde jernbanene. Den kinesiske eksklusjonsloven fra 1882 forbød innvandring fra Kina til tross for den avgjørende rollen kineserne spilte i byggingen av den transkontinentale jernbanen.
  • The first Transcontinental Railroad refers to the first time enough railroad tracks were laid to connect the United States by rail travel from east to west. This allowed people, mail, and goods to travel vast distances across the country much faster than before.
  • C onstruction av jernbanesporene som ville lenker Omaha, Nebraska til Sacramento, California varte 1863-1869. 26. oktober 1863 startet Central Pacific RR byggingen i Sacramento. 2. desember 1863 startet Union Pacific RR i Omaha. 10. mai 1869 ble den endelige "gyldne piggen" kjørt i Utah som forbinder de to sporene.
  • WHY was it built?
  • "There is nothing more important before the nation than the building of the railroad to the Pacific."
  • 5 Ws & H i Transrailroad
  • WHO was involved?
  • HVOR ble det bygget?
  • Railroads were built so transportation and shipment of people and goods over land would move faster. Many believed it was "manifest destiny" for the U.S. to occupy the land coast to coast. In 1862 President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railroad Act creating two railroad companies to compete in completing a transcontinental railroad.
  • Thousands of workers, mainly Chinese and Irish immigrants, German immigrants, former Union and Confederate soldiers and formerly enslaved African Americans built the railroads. The two main companies were the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad. Both made their owners and stockholders huge sums of money.
  • Central Pacific Railroad
  • The Union Pacific Railroad
  • The Central Pacific Railroad began laying its track in Sacramento, CA and built eastward. The Union Pacific Railroad Company began work from Omaha Nebraska and went westward. They met in Promontory Point, Utah.
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