It is 10:30am and i'm getting ready for my rivaliry game tonight. I am preparing for the game by eating a nutritions breakfast which includes, bacon for protein, toast with butter for my carbs and fat. And lastly a fruit bowl for essential minerals and vitamins
Its currently 12:00pm and I am watching tv to pass some time before my game today
Its  1:00pm and i'm having lunch. Im eating grilled chicken and rice, with water. The ntp for carsbs says to eat them before, during and after exercise, so im choosing to eat them now before my game.. The carbs from the rice will provide me energy for my game; since my sport is an anaerobic sport, im' going to need the energy
Its now 4:30 and im at shoot-around where the team and I get shots up before the game so we can be prepared
Im on the way to the game and im drinking body armor and also a gatorade energy bar. This helps prepare me for the game. The body armor helps give me electrolytes to fuel by body also i will be drinking it during the game which will replace the ones i lost during the game.
This game is so easy we are already beating them by 30, they should just give up and go home