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Unknown Story

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Unknown Story
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • -James Cowel: today I am going to make somewhiting loins with steamed mussels, if I want to be the ultra chef I cannot gowith a simple recipe, and, moreover, just for you I am going to tell you therecipe step by step in case there is any chef who wants to experiment with achallenge watching this program
  • -Presenter: welcome to ultra chef, today webring you a quite young but very promising chef, with your permission I presentto you the young promise James Cowel, from California has started anindependent business of multiple types of food from around the world , whichhas captivated the palates of all the diners who have come to try his food andtoday James Cowel is going to try his luck in the ultra chef challenge.
  • -James Cowel: Put a little oil in a pan andfry the vegetables, cut into thin strips and with a pinch of salt, for 30minutes. Add the crushed tomato and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Inanother pan, put the cleaned mussels together with half a glass of water, coverand leave over high heat until they open. Remove the meat from the mussels andreserve. We pass the cooking water through a fine sieve, which we add to thetomato sauce. Crush the sofrito with the blender and pass the sauce through aChinese strainer to make it finer. Add a pinch of sugar and salt, if necessary(it probably won't be necessary since it has the flavor of mussels).
  • Cook thewhiting loins on the grill, spread with a little olive oil and a touch of salt.Mark round and round and place in a low saucepan with the sauce. Bring to aboil and add the reserved mussels. Cook the whole for 3 minutes over low heat.We serve hot. -Presenter: well now that it is finished I am going to examineyour dish both in presentation and in flavor -proceeds to eat the entire dishhahaha
  • -Presenter: mmmmmm, it has an interestingtexture, a good presentation, you would be the first ultra chef if you hadadded a little less salt, sorry James, better luck next time.ter luck nexttime.
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