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Orchestrating A Chance - 1st Storyboard

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Orchestrating A Chance - 1st Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • C.U. Hand conducting (foreground) Band (out of focus background). Hand enters/exits frame
  • C.Us of Paul's anatomy cut with instruments in quick succession. Reaching Crescendo
  • E.C.U. - Paul's eyes watching the Band. Shown across different shots in edit. Last shot is eyes smiling
  • Orchestrating A Trance
  • Section i.Are you powerful?
  • WIDE: Behind Paul, he begins rehearsals. We see Band gather their instruments and start.
  • HANDHELD Conducting hand shot. PAN UP, revealing Paul's face Conducting (inaudible), TIGHT. V.O. Paul answers question on power, Conducting.
  • OBSERVATIONAL: Paul Conducts rehearsals. Gives feedback. V.O. answer to question based on Relationship with authority.
  • Feedback
  • MID-SHOT, Paul gives feedback to band. V.O. answer continues
  • C.U. Conducting Hand
  • Empty rehearsal room. V.O. Answer continues.
  • Interview. C.U. of Paul's hands. Then mid-shot of Paul. Speaks about time as a Conductor, start in music, how to lead.
  • OBSERVATIONAL: See rehearsal uninterrupted.
  • QUICK E.C.U.s of Paul conducting
  • Interview. Mid-shot of Paul. Concludes Answer. CUT TO BLACK.
  • Section ii.Creating power
  • OBSERVE, MID-SHOT - Band enters, setting up music sheets, instruments, gathering for practice. V.O. Paul answers Q on leading a team.
  • MEDIUM WIDE BEHIND Paul, almost O.S. - Paul (out of focus) observing Band (in focus). C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Various Band Members look up at Paul.
  • INTERVIEW (new location) - Paul continues speaking about specific approach to nurturing the team, nears conclusion.
  • OBSERVE: Band preparing before Bridgewater Concert. nervous, but jovial
  • Rehearsal: Paul gives feedback to band. He cracks a joke, everything laughs. V.O. Paul speaks about levity in leadership
  • C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Band members laughing during rehearsals. V.O. Paul talks about bringing different personalities together.
  • PAN (ON SLIDER), MID-SHOT - Musicians playing or preparing. V.O. Concludes.
  • Section iii.We are powerful
  • WIDE. Behind Paul; SLOW PUSH-IN - Conductor in front of Band. V.O. Paul answers Q about feeling proud of Band as a team.
  • SIDE PROFILE OF STAGE, PERFORMANCE. BRIDGEWATER CONCERT - Band Conductor are ABOVE US, performing original music.
  • C.U. - Paul smiling at Members. V.O. Paul reflects on successes of band.
  • INTERVIEW (new location) - Paul continues answer. Talks about his own role in creating end result.
  • HAND HELD - Focus on various members, playing instruments
  • HAND HELD C.U. - Hands conducting. Instruments being played
  • OBSERVE - Band play. V.O. Paul reaches close of answer. Power dynamic gone, Conductor is nothing without a good band
  • E.C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Paul smiles, Band members smile
  • WIDE, SLOW PULL-OUT - Band in front of Conductor V.O. Crescendo reached.
  • Image Attributions:834980 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-white-musical-note-sheets-834980/) - Kacper Cybinski - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed (https://pixabay.com/en/saxophone-music-gold-gloss-546303/) - schuetz-mediendesign - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)6168179 (https://pixabay.com/photos/music-book-music-sheet-musical-notes-6168179/) - Ri_Ya - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed8241577 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-in-tank-top-sitting-on-the-yoga-mat-8241577/) - ?????? ?????? - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed

Kuva Tekijän

  • https://pixabay.com/en/saxophone-music-gold-gloss-546303/ - schuetz-mediendesign - (Lisenssi Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) )
  • 6168179 - Ri_Ya - (Lisenssi Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed )
  • 8241577 - ?????? ?????? - (Lisenssi Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed )
  • 834980 - Kacper Cybinski - (Lisenssi Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed )
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