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fanfic LoTR 2

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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fanfic LoTR 2
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Rian and I go back to the house, through the tunnel, and into the wood. We pack our things onto the horses and start to ride. We turned 14 the next day. After a few days, we reach a problem...
  • There was a group of orcs in the woods! They saw us and jumped out at us. We had to fight to defend ourselves, and we did defeat them, but it was hard and scary. Neither of us had ever seen an orc before, let alone fought one. I do not recommend trying it.
  • We finally made it out of the wood, but it was just fields for miles, as far as we could see. It had started to rain. Suddenly a group of people in armor on horses rode up to us. "What are two children like you doing out here? Don't you know that war is brewing?" the one that seemed to be the leader asked. "We ran away," I said, "We were tired of living in a small town where nothing happens. My brother and I wanted adventure." I said. Rian gave me a weird look. Brother?he mouthed. "Just go with it," I whispered. The leader made us follow them because we were 'too young to be alone'. But one of the men was looking at us weird.
  • We rode for two days before reaching a city. "I recognize this place," I said under my breath, "This is Rohan! Then those men, they must be riders!" The men led us inside the gates and up to a house. "Eotran has agreed to house you until you can find somewhere to live more permanently." A man with a beard, who must have been Eotran, came up, put his hands on our shoulders and led us to a house near the middle of the city. "You will stay with my family and me. My daughters will be glad to have new friends."
  • He first took us to a stable where we could put our horses. He pulled us into a corner and whispered, "Eolina, Rian, how did you get back? They took you into the other world! Where are your parents? And your brother?" We tried to get away, but we were stuck. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I said, "We just met today, his name's Rian but I don't know who Eolina is!" He grabbed my arm and said, "That scar, the one on your left arm. My niece has a scar on that same arm. She looked exactly like you do. How old are you and when is your birthday?" Now I was getting freaked out. "The 17th of Wedmath. I'm 14. Rian is the same." He grabbed us in a hug. "I knew you'd get back. Come! I must reintroduce you to my family."
  • We went to a house, and Eotran went in first. He told us he was speaking to his wife. Then, he pulled us in and we were immediately wrapped in a bone-crushing hug. "Oh, you're back!" the woman hugging us said, "It's been so long." Two girls standing in the corner were trying not to laugh. When the woman, who turned out to be our aunt, finally let go and we could breathe, the elder of the two girls came over and introduced herself. "I'm Eoliss, and this is Eoneia." The little girl smiled and said "I'm 8! Lissie's 14, same as you both."
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