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Digestive System

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Digestive System
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Hello! I'm Oscar, and today I am going to run you through the steps of the digestive system!
  • First the food enters the mouth. It is broken up by the chewing and enzymes in our saliva.
  • The food then goes down through the oesophagus. Nerves trigger a controlled muscular reaction called peristalsis, which pushes the food down.
  • In the stomach, the walls of the stomach pound up the food and the stomach acids that are released break it down even more.
  • In the small intestines, the food is broken up even more, and the nutrients are taken by the blood stream for use.
  • In the large intestines, most moisture is removed from the remaining waste.
  • In the rectum, the waste is stored until it is expelled by the body.
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