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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Harappa was the one of the oldest city in the subcontinent and the first city to be discovered in Indus Valley Civilization
  • Welcome!! Let's explore Harappa city along with me!
  • The Indus people lived along the Indus River
  • The river is very important as it keeps the land green and fertile.
  • This is Citadel which lies to the west of the city. It was smaller but higher compared to the lower town which lies in East
  • The elaborate store house was constructed on the citadel in Harappa
  • The bricks used in the construction were well baked that they lasted for thousand years. Also their interlocking pattern made the walls strong.
  • Cities had covered drains and were laid out in straight lines.
  • The houses were either one or two storeys. Rooms were built around a courtyard. Most houses had a separate bathing area and some had wells to supply water.
  • Men and women, crafts person made all kinds of things. People travelled distant places to get metal, precious stones. Many terracotta toys were found here.
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