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Persona Template - 6 cells

Katso Oppituntisuunnitelma
Kopioi tämä kuvakäsikirjoitus LUO OMA!
Create your own at Storyboard That Who Are They? How does the problem you want to solve relate to them? How do they currently solve this problem? How does this solution connect to their needs? How does this solution not solve this problem? What is their technical skill level or subject matter expertise? Give them a name, age, gender, occupation or role, and any other appropriate demographics What do they care about? How do they currently solve this problem? What are the pros? What are the cons? Will they need a point and click interface or will they be configuring and programming? [name], [age], [title or role], [occupation], etc. [name] wants to ______ , but not ______ because _____. [name] knows [technology] and [subject matter] [add associated, illustrative image] [add a person] [name] currently ______ and ________. [name] doesn't like ______ and wishes _____. [name] likes this because ______ and _____. [add associated, illustrative image] [add associated, illustrative image] [add associated, illustrative image] [add associated, illustrative image]
Persona Template - 6 cells
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!
Löydät kuvakäsikirjoituksen seuraavissa artikkeleissa ja resurssit:
Käytä Henkilöitä Liiketoiminnassa

Miten Luodaan Käyttäjän Peronat

Kirjailija: Marissa Martinez

Persoonat ovat visuaalisia tarinoita, jotka kuvaavat todellisia asiakkaita. Persoonia piirtää yksityiskohtaisen kuvan käyttäjän, mitä he haluavat saavuttaa, mitä tietoja tai taitoja, joita he voivat tai eivät voi olla, ja miksi tietyt asiat saattavat olla heille tärkeitä. Tuotteita tai palveluita voit suunnitella yrittää ratkaista nämä asiakkaan ongelmia. Persoonia auttaa joukkue keskittyy käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun.


Tutustu muihin liiketoimintaartikkeleihimme!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Use this template to create your own personas.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Who Are They?
  • [name], [age], [title or role], [occupation], etc.
  • How does the problem you want to solve relate to them?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • [name] wants to ______ , but not ______ because _____.
  • How do they currently solve this problem?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • [name] currently ______ and ________.
  • [add a person]
  • Give them a name, age, gender, occupation or role, and any other appropriate demographics
  • How does this solution connect to their needs?
  • [name] likes this because ______ and _____.
  • What do they care about?
  • How does this solution not solve this problem?
  • [name] doesn't like ______ and wishes _____.
  • How do they currently solve this problem?
  • What is their technical skill level or subject matter expertise?
  • [name] knows [technology] and [subject matter]
  • What are the pros?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • What are the cons?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
  • Will they need a point and click interface or will they be configuring and programming?
  • [add associated, illustrative image]
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Storyboard That Perhe

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