Modèle de composition longue ou d'essai de 5 paragraphes qui comprend des sections pour une introduction, des paragraphes de soutien et une conclusion. Chaque section comprend des informations sur ce qui est inclus dans chaque paragraphe. Thème coloré.
Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti
Name: Date:
INTRODUCTION: 3-4 general statements about the topic's relation to the prompt:Thesis Statement - includes GTA (Genre, Title, Author):
3rd Paragraph: 2nd example and supporting details - EXAMPLE: 1.) 2.)3.)
Directions: Enter Text Here
2nd Paragraph: 1st example and supporting details - EXAMPLE: 1.) 2.)3.)
4th Paragraph: 3rd example and supporting details - EXAMPLE: 1.) 2.)3.)
CONCLUSION: Rephrase original Thesis Statement with GTA (Genre, Title, Author):3-4 specific statements of summary of key points / insight about key points made in essayClinching Statement:
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