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Washington Postikortti

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Washington Postikortti
Storyboard That

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Washingtonin Osavaltion Toiminta

Washingtonin Osavaltion Opas

Oppituntisuunnitelmat Lauren Ayube

Washingtonin osavaltio sijaitsee Tyynenmeren luoteisosassa ja rajoittuu Kanadaan. Opiskelijat rakastavat oppia Washingtonin maamerkeistä, mottoista, hauskoista faktoista, historiasta ja paljon muusta! Sitouta ja kouluta opiskelijoita Storyboard That!


Hauskoja ja Mukaansatempaavia Kirjoitustoimintoja

Esittele opiskelijat kirjoittamiseen, digitaaliseen tarinankerrontaan ja 2000-luvun taitoihin projektipohjaisen oppimisen avulla. Storyboard That on luonut resursseja ja oppitunteja, jotka auttavat kiireisiä opettajia lisäämään luokkahuoneeseen jotain uutta ja monipuolista.


Washingtonin Osavaltion Opas

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Image Attributions:2539395 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/cityscape-photo-of-the-space-needle-observation-tower-in-seattle-washington-2539395/) - Sergei Akulich - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
  • Welcome to Washington!
  • Hi Steve!I hope you are having an awesome summer vacation! My family and I are in Washington, and we just visited Seattle. It is so amazing! My favorite part was the Space Needle. Did you know that the Space Needle is 605 feet tall and 138 feet wide? When you are almost at the top, you can go on the viewing deck. There is also a rotating restaurant that we had dinner at. It was so cool, but it kind of made me dizzy even though it rotated really slowly. There are elevators that go all the way to the top, and we had to wait in line forever, but it was worth it! I also learned that there are 25 lightning rods on the roof of the needle, to protect it from being struck by lightning. Also, it was built to withstand winds of up to 200 miles per hour! I would not want to be on the observation deck on a windy day, though.I can't wait to hear all about your summer and your trip to Michigan to see your cousins. We will be home right before school starts, so let's plan to hang out! See ya soon!Your Pal,Joey
  • Steve Kramer
  • 15 Broad Street
  • Concord, NH 03301
  •  Forever

Kuva Tekijän

  • 2539395 - Sergei Akulich - (Lisenssi Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed )
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