Aviso: Não grave materiais protegidos por direitos autorais (música de fundo, clipes de filmes ou TV, etc.)
(n.) a small porch or set of steps at the front entrance of a house or building.
(n.) merkityksetön seuraaja voimakas henkilö.
(n.)a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
New Kid Vocabulary
Athletes andRegular
Juniorit, yläluokka Musta taulukko, teatteri Lapset ja Dorky klubit.
Cafeteria Hierarchy
Jordan Banks
Sophomores and kids who don't speak English that well.
Freshman and New Kids.
Be right there, Andy!
Liam is pretty cool, and I met Drew as well.
Teit uusia ystäviä?
Grab my backpack and don't forget to close my locker, Collin.