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Rob Buyean herra Teruptin takia

ALTISTUMINEN: 5. luokka Snow Hillin peruskoulussa

Nouseva toiminta: Itsenäisyys

CLIMAX: Onnettomuus

TAPAHTUMA: Vierailu herra Teruptin luona

PÄÄTÖSLAUSELMA: Herra Terupt on palannut!

Because of Mr. Terupt is about a teacher and his 5th grade students and how one person can change the lives of many. 

It's the beginning of fifth grade, and Mr. Terupt is their new teacher. Seven different personalities and one teacher who changes their lives forever.

Mr. Terupt gives the students engaging projects that encourage teamwork and collaboration. The students have trouble getting along and handling the responsibility that comes with the freedom.

The class earns a reward for positive behavior and they choose to have an outdoor day in the snow. Mr. Terupt is hit with an icy snowball and is rushed to the hospital. He is in a coma.

The students all visit Mr. Terupt in the hospital at various times. During their visits, they sometimes see each other, and their relationships with one another and themselves change for the better. Mr. Terupt has to have brain surgery.

Mr. Terupt recovers from brain surgery and surprises the class on the last day of school. They rejoice together when they learn he will be their teacher again next year.





Tämän päivän matematiikkaprojekti: Ruohoterien laskeminen!

Tämän päivän tehtävä


Koska Anna on liian tyhmä lukemaan sitä.


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