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Girl from Vincy

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Girl from Vincy
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Liuku: 1
  • Girl from Vincy
  • Written illustrated by Mishka A O'Garro
  • Liuku: 2
  • Table of Contents Author Bio
  • Table of contentsAuthor Bio-. 2Dedication- 3Chapter 1 Birth- 4-6Chapter 2 my christening- 7-8Chapter 3 weekend with grandpa- 9-11Chapter 4 first day of school- 12-13Chapter 5 Migration- 14-15Chapter 6 Sadness- 16Chapter 7 College- 17
  • Author Bio: Mishka was born on June 27th 1980. She lived the 1st 23 years of her life in S.V.G and then moved to NYC, where she currently resides. Mishka loves to read and loves books almost as much as she loves children. she is currently a full time nanny and a full-time college student. chasing her dreams in this the land of opportunity.
  • Liuku: 3
  • Dedication
  • This book is dedicated to my parents Amos Hazel Ogarro.For your unwavering love and support. The strict discipline you instilled in me is my strong foundation. I love you both forever.
  • Liuku: 4
  • Chapter: 1 My Name
  • I was born on June 27th, 1980, on the Islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in Kingstown general hospital located on the mainland capital of Kingstown. My parents Named me Mishka Adelphine O’Garro.
  • Liuku: 5
  • Chapter 1: My Name
  • Mishka...
  • Adelphine
  • Mishka is a Russian name for bear; it means soft cuddly baby with a full head of hair, baby who look like a baby bear; they got the name from the Russian nurse who delivered me at my birth, she was my mother's friend.
  • Liuku: 6
  • Chapter 1: My Name
  • Adelphine is an African name which means beautiful girl. Persons with the name Adelphine are trailblazers, torchbearers, researchers, teachers, leaders, they are who show others the way.
  • Liuku: 7
  • Chapter 2: My Christening
  • A christening is a Christian tradition, where parents take their baby to a church to be blessed by a Priest or Pastor. In my culture a christening is an official naming ceremony in a church, followed by a big celebration at the home of the parents.
  • Liuku: 8
  • Chapter 2: My Christening
  • I was christened when I was three months old at the Chateaubelair Methodist church. My father’s entire immediate family came out to the celebration. There were extravagant amounts of food, laughter, and drinks at my christening.
  • Liuku: 9
  • Chapter 3: Weekend with Grandpa
  • My earliest memory from my childhood is me spending the weekend at my grandparents house. I was five years old and my Daddy Hall would meet me at the bus stop dressed in his finest suit, he gave me big smile and ginormous hugs .
  • Liuku: 10
  • chapter 3: weekend with Grandpa
  • Daddy hall was a farmer we rode his Donkey to the mountain, we would ride through the village on our way to his farm in the mountains . He was very proud of me and introduced me to villagers we met along the way.
  • Liuku: 11
  • chapter 3: weekend with Grandpa
  • We stopped at my Aunt’s shop to get cold drinks and ice along the way. I would sit and read a book under the shade of an orange tree while he went off to do his chores.
  • Liuku: 12
  • Chapter 4: First Day of School
  • Good morning! children come in, it's time for class1
  • Bye daddy.
  • I love you. have a great day!
  • September 2nd, 1985 was my first official day of school. I woke up early I felt very excited to be wearing a uniform to school for the first time. My uniform was a navy-blue pleated dress with a white shirt, black shoes with white socks. Mommy braided my hair in cornrows the day before. I had butterflies in my tummy I could hardly eat breakfast.
  • Liuku: 13
  • Chapter 4: First Day of School
  • My parents walked me to school, I hugged and kissed them goodbye and walked away holding my teachers hand. I stepped into my classroom and sat at a desk in the front row. In my class were Miss Jones our teacher, a giant blackboard, chalk, books, art materials, my best friend Tasha, and friends from my village. I loved school.
  • Liuku: 14
  • Chapter 5: Migration
  • I migrated from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United States of America on April 1st, 2004. I love NYC and the different seasons, the multicultural people that reside in this city, the wide variety of cuisine from all over the world, make this city exciting and fun. I miss home and miss my parents but they come to visit me often so that helps.
  • Liuku: 15
  • Chapter 5: Migration
  • I had to learn to pay bills and manage my entire life on my own in a big new city, but I learned independence and money management skills. I found a nanny job due to need for income and my deep love for children I decided that this was the best fit for me. I am still a nanny today 20 years later so my decision was correct. I’m happy I migrated to this the land of the free I felt true freedom for the first time in my life.
  • Liuku: 16
  • Chapter 6: Saddest Day of my life
  • My phone rang at 3:12 am on October 12th, 2016, upon answering that call I received devastating news. My father had a heart attack and suddenly died. I screamed at the top of my lungs with despair and grief. I felt helpless, empty, angry, hopeless, and extremely sad. I cried for months. I lost my appetite and lost 30 pounds in 2 months. I loved my father with all my heart, he was my favorite person in the world.
  • Liuku: 17
  • Chapter 7: College
  • I can, I will!Megdar Evers Here I come!
  • On 28th, August 2023 I went back to school, it has been 26 years since I’ve attended school. I am pursuing a Teaching degree at the Medgar Evers College. I chose this college because of the proximity to my job. This was vital in my college choice because I must pay for college out of pocket along with, my rent and other bills so I need to work full time.
  • Liuku: 18
  • Chapter 7: College
  • I love college and I love learning. Furthering my education has raised my self worth and my self-esteem. I am happy, I am learning many new things and my future is bright. Investing in my education is the best decision I ever made. I am happy.

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