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The Parable Of The Talents

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The Parable Of The Talents
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • The Modern Day Parable OfThe Talents By Jessica T. 8O
  • In the modern day version of The Parable Of The Talents, three sons are each given a share of money by their father who was going on a vacation. One son was given five thousand dollars, one was given two hundred dollars, and the last was given ten dollars.
  • The son who received five thousand dollars used it wisely and doubled the amount of money he had to ten thousand dollars. The son who received two hundred dollars did the same and doubled his earnings to four hundred dollars.
  • But, the third son hid the ten dollars that his father had given him and did not share it or show it to anyone. This meant that the third son still only had this ten dollars in his possession.
  • When their father returned from his vacation, he met his sons again. The first son, now with ten thousand dollars, brought this money to him. The father saw the effort that his son had made to get this money and was pleased with him and promised him a good future.
  • The second son then came to show his father the money that he now had. The father saw how the second son had also doubled the two hundred dollars to four hundred in the time that he was gone. This meant that the father was happy with him and also promised him a good future.
  • Finally the third son, still with just ten dollars, brought it to his father. The father looked upon him and said that this man was ungrateful and selfish. The two sons who had used their talents for good went on to live fulfilling and joyful lives, while the third son who did not do this was punished and had everything taken away from him.
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