Proclamation of 1763King George set a boundary which was between the british and french.This caused a war between them.
The French cannot pass this boundary of the appalachian mountains
Provide Shelter,Materials and food for my soldiers
Quartering Act-1765The british parliament made this so the american colonist can provide food and shelter for the british soldiers.Because the british soldiers were in the american colonies
1st continental congress-1774This was a conference about how the colonies were doing by the british.And also had to do with the british and colonies tea act that happened
Stamp act/Sons of Liberty-1765This was something that no one liked because they said it was unfair of No taxation without representation.This made a big protest because no one agreed to do it.
You must pay taxes to help with getting back our money from the france war
Intolerable Acts-1774This was laws being passed for the the boston tea party disaster that was caused.It was a punishment for them with many laws that the colonist did not like
These 4 laws will be your punishments for the tea act that happened
We need to talk about what happened at the boston tea party!!