All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum. They all travel at the speed of light:3 x 108 m/s (or 299,792,458 m/s)
Lowest Frequency:
Longest Wavelength:
Lowest Energy:
Wavelength - 103 mFrequency - 104Hz
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Wavelength - 10-2 mFrequency - 108Hz
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Wavelength - 10-5 mFrequency - 1012Hz
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White light is a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow.
Wavelength - 10-6 mFrequency - 1015Hz
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Wavelength - 10-8 mFrequency - 1016Hz
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Highest Frequency:
Shortest Wavelength:
Highest Energy:
Wavelength - 10-10 mFrequency - 104Hz
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Wavelength - 103 mFrequency - 104Hz
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Radio waves are used in radio telescopes to study far away objects in space. Radio waves are also used for RADAR, broadcasting, and communication.
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Microwaves can be used for communication between mobile phones. Microwaves can also be used to heat food. Microwaves cause the water molecules in food to get warmer.
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Infrared radiation is used for thermal imaging. Infrared rays are also used for cooking food in toaster ovens. IR is used to control your TV from your remote as well.
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Visible light is used to see things. It can be used in telescopes (to see really big things that are far away) or microscopes (really small things). It is also used in cameras to make photographs.
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Ultraviolet rays are used in tanning salons. Special ink is put into some bills and it shines (Fluoresces) when UV light is shined on it. This is used to check for counterfeit bills.
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X-rays are used for airport security and medical imaging. If you go to the hospital and they suspect you have a broken bone, they will send you for an X-ray scan.
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Gamma rays are used for sterilizing medical equipment. They are also used for treating cancer patients.
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No Danger
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Microwaves can cause damage to your internal tissues as they heat up water. Your body is made of a lot of water.
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Infrared can cause skin burns.
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No danger
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Ultraviolet rays can leave to sunburn and damage to eyes. Exposure over a long time can increase the risk of getting skin cancer.
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X-rays can damage cells which can cause mutations which may lead to cancer.
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Gamma rays have extremely high energy which can cause cells to mutate leading to cancer.