Erstellen Sie ein visuelles Diagramm für das Nachttagebuch von Veera Hiranandani!
Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti
Die Nacht Tagebuch von Veera Hiranandani
Es ist hier nicht mehr sicher.
But what about Kazi?!
In einer Zeit der Spaltung unter den Menschen wegen der Religion, das ist eine Geschichte von einem Kampf der Familie für das Überleben und an einem sicheren Ort zu Hause anrufen.
She is not well, Rashid.
You must come in immediately!
The story takes place in 1947 in India, after it has become free from Britain. Tensions between the Hindus and the Muslims are high. Twelve year old Nisha, her twin brother Amil, their Papa, and their Dadi must flee from their home amidst the riots and violence, leaving behind their home and lives that they once knew.
I'll let you know if I hear anyone coming.
Soll ich die Haare flechten?
Nisha and her family pack up a small amount of their belongings and supplies and set out on foot towards Jodhpur, leaving Kazi behind for everyone’s safety.
What are we making today?!
After almost not surviving due to lack of food and water, the family finally arrives at uncle Rashid’s home to stay for a while.
Nisha befriends a Muslim girl in the neighborhood and tells her that they are Hindu and staying with their Muslim uncle. Papa fears for their safety and the family must leave immediately.
The family arrives at their apartment in Jodhpur and settles into their new life. Kazi has made the journey by himself and has found the family; they are all together again.
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu
Ei Latauksia, ei Luottokorttia ja ei Vaadi Kirjautumista Kokeilemiseen!