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Several people try to warn Caesar in different ways to beware of the conspirators, but their efforts are in vain as they are ignored.
Metellus Cimber asks caesar to allow his brother to return to rome and after he refused casca started to stabs him and then the other conspirators followed him
Brutus delivered a speech to the people of Rome in which he momentarily convinced them that killing Caesar was the wise thing to do.
Antony convinces the Roman people that Caesar was a good man and makes them want revenge against the conspirators.
Commoners mistake Cinna the poet for Cinna the conspirator and murder him
Brutus and Cassius are forced to flee Rome
O Caesar, read mine first, for mine's a suit
That touches Caesar nearer. Read it, great Caesar!(Artemidorus)
be careful caesar!
Enough of the kneeling, your brother will not return to Rome
Speak, hands for me!(Casca)
Is there any voice worthier than mine to appeal to Caesar to grant my banished brother a pardon?(Metellus Cimber )
People of Rome ,I valued Caesar as a friend, but he was too ambitious. I stabbed him with the good of Rome in mind, and anyone who loves his freedom should stand with me.(Brutus)
Cesar's will says that money will come to every citizen and converts some of Cesar's private lands into public parks. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?(Mark Antony)
Live, Brutus! live, live!
Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay!
Let not a traitor live!
I am not Cinna the conspirator.(Cinna the poet)
Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses!(the Plebeians)
We need to go (Brutus)
Let's go, and fight later for our dear Rome(Cassius)