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Black cowboy Wild horses Amaya

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Black cowboy Wild horses Amaya
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action 1
  • Bob Lemmons is a cowboy and his black stallion named Warrior are going on an adventure in the wide great plains.
  • Rising Action 2
  • The other cowboys didn't have horses so they sent bob out to track and capture mustangs.
  • Climax
  • Bob notices footprints and knows they are mustangs and knows where they are heading, Bob and Warrior get stuck in a thunderstorm and don't know if he will make it or get caught.
  • The colt got bit in the leg by a rattle snake, Bob ,Warrior, and the mustangs heard them in the distance, colts mom wanted to stay but the stallion convinced her to get up and move on.This made the horses really sad and weak.
  • Bob galloped Warrior to the front of the herd as he knew now was the time to take over because the stallion would not have the heart to fight as hard v\. Bob charged Warrior at the stallion and the horses fought until the stallion retreated. Bob and Warrior were triumphant!
  • Bob started leading the Mustangs back toward the corral to give them to the other cowboys
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu