There you are Riri, guess who is back around!? I've been looking everywhere for you.
Geshem! I did not know you were back in the neighborhood. I can not wait to hear all about whatever you leant that has you sounding eloquent as you have never before.
Already teasing me, some things really never change. You know I was born eloquent. I did learnquite a handful though, I could as well become a professor myself haha! Let me tell you all about it, starting with LES
LES was inarguably the most interactive module we had which made it the most fun. We would compete in-class quizzes through, have group discussions and presentations as well as my personal favorite, formal debates. It is safe to say it was always the highlight of my week.
Wow Geshem, I can hear the passion in your voice. What did you learn though from all this and how are you planning on implementing these lessons?
I leant proper formal reading and writing and all that comes with them, be it editing, proofreading, summarizingand even referencing. I also leant how both sides of an argumentcan be correct if backed by factual evidence. Honestly, I can not mention all I leant because every week had something new in store.
I am going to make sure I use all these lessons in my studies. I am also going to make sure that it reflects in my speech and the way I handle essays and arguments.
Wow Geshem, I am honestly impressed and happy for you. Now let us go inside and you can tell me about your other modules while I make you your favoritebrunch, I hope LES did not change that haha!