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French revolution storyboard

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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French revolution storyboard
Storyboard That

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Meeting of the Estates General
  • The voting should be head because we would win
  • And if we vote by order we won't have to pay taxes because we would win
  • If we all vote against the third estate we'll win
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • Wow...they got really mad that we changed our name and wanted a revote because of how unfair the voting is
  • Since we got kicked out of our meeting hall lets take over his tennis court
  • Lets get their gun powder for are weapons to start the revolution!!!
  • Storming of the Bastille 
  • I put the commanders head on my stick.
  • France was in a financial crisis from fighting wars and the king spending all of Frances money on himself. So King Louis the 16th called the meeting of estates general which was the first time in 175 years. The first and second estate wanted to vote by order because they would basically team up and team up against the third estate so they would not have to pay taxes but the third estate wanted to vote by head because then they would win.
  • The March of Versailles
  • We are here to discuss our financial crisis in France
  • The third estate was kicked from their meeting hall in 1789 after declaring themselves the national assembly and wanting to vote again but by head this time and got locked out of their meeting hall. So after they were locked out they went to a nearby tennis court and pledged to never separate and to meet whenever the circumstances might require until we have a sound and just constitution.Then in 1791 a constitution was wrote and France became a constitutional monarchy.
  • The Reign of Terror
  • Off with your head!!
  • On July 14, 1789 there were rumors about troops headed to Paris then more than 800 local citizens of Paris invaded the Bastille Prison looking for gun powder and weapons. The commander of the prison would not let the people outside of the prison come in, so they opened fire on the citizens. Eventually a few guards were killed and the commander was killed and his head has put on a steak and this day is their independence day like ours is July 4th, and this is what really kicked off the revolution.
  • The Rise of Napoleon
  • In early October over 5,000 women went to Versailles in the cold rain wanting to speak to the king. A lot of the women were angry at the queen because she spent money on herself and was not born in France.Most of the women were angry because bread prices were really high. The women also wanted King Louis to promise to come back and live in France.
  • Bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Come back to France you lousy king!!!
  • The republic began while the king was on trial and Jacobins had control and later the king and queen were executed by the guillotine. Robespierre was a lawyer and quickly rose in the committee of public safety and believed the only way liberty can be secured was by cutting criminals heads off and over thousands of people faced the guillotine and the reign of terror lasted for about a year and ended by Robespierre get arrested and executed.
  • Kill the trader and let the reign of terror rise!!
  • Napoleon was a winner when it came to military success which had helped him gain lots of followers. Napoleon had conquered lots of parts of Europe before he went into more power. When Napoleon acquired enough power over Europe he crowned himself emperor by taking the crown out of the popes hands and putting it on his head. One of Napoleons first reform was to enforce the Napoleonic code and in the code one of the rules were women were no longer citizens. Later on during Napoleons rein he made two big mistakes.
  • Angry little fellow aren't ya
  • Hurry up and make me emperor already old man
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