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bill of rights project

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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bill of rights project
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • The Bill begins
  • They should make a law so that everyone gets free food.
  • That's a great idea! Let's contact are Representative.
  • The Bill is Proposed
  • Great idea!
  • Genius
  • Free food for everyone!
  • Yes!
  • Let's do it!
  • The Bill is Introduced
  • The Bill Goes to Committee
  • clever idea
  • Thoughts on the bill? Should we send it back to the House floor?
  • perfect bill
  • ehhh
  • The Bill is Reported
  • The Bill is Debated
  • I don't agree with the bill. The economy would face a huge issue.
  • I think it is a good bill as well. It provides food for people in need.
  • Well I do , even though the economy would face a huge problem, I think many people would benefit off it.
  • The Bill is Voted on
  • Each law begins as a idea from either a Representative or a regular citizen. If a citizen has a idea for a law, the idea has to be discussed with a Representative. If the Represenative agrees, the Representative will write the idea into a bill.
  • The Bill Is Referred to the Senate
  • Once the Representative forms a bill, the bill needs a sponser. The Representative speaks with other Representatives, to get support for the bill. Once the bill recieves a sponser and support from the Representative, the bill is ready to be introduced!
  • The Bill is Sent to the President
  • The bill is officially introduced when it is placed in the "hopper," a box by the clerk's desk. The only people who may introduce bills in the house of Representatives, are the Representatives themselves. After a reading clerk reads the bill to all the Representatives, the Speaker of the house sends the bill to the House standing committees.
  • The Bill Is a Law
  • Once the bill gets to the committee, the committee members (Representative experts) review, revise and research the bill before voting if it has to go back to the House floor or not. If the members want more information the bill is sent back to the House Floor then to a subcommittee. At a subcommittee the bill is closely looked at from expert opinions. 
  • The Big News
  • You won't believe it are idea become a law!
  • Omg no way! That's amazing
  • Once the committee decides to approve a bill, it is then sent/reported to the House Floor. Once the bill is reported it is ready to be debated by the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • The Law In Action
  • I haven't ate this good in awhile mom.
  • Glad you like it honey, we won't have to worry about money anymore!
  • To debate the bill Representatives discuss whether or not they disagree with the bill and why. Following that a reading clerk reads the bill section by section and the Representatives recommend changes. Once changes have been made the bill is ready to be discussed.
  • When voting for a bill there are 3 methods, Viva Voice where Representatives say "aye" if they agree with the bill "No" if they oppose, Division as shown in the picture where those who support stand up and those who oppose stay seating, and recorded where they use the electronic system to vote on the bill, they either say yes or no or present if they don't want to vote on the bill. Once a majority agree to the bill, the bill passes the House of Representatives and is then sent to the U.S Senate.
  • Once the bill arrives at the U.S. Senate, it goes through relatively the same steps as it went through the House of Representatives. When voting for the bill the Senators vote by voice. Those who support it say "yea" those who oppose say "nay." Once a majority say "yea" the bill passes the U.S. Senate and goes to the president.
  • Yea
  • Yea
  • Nay
  • Yea
  • Once the bill reaches the President, he has 3 choices. He can either sign and pass the bill, refuse to sign or veto, or do nothing which is called pocket veto. In this case the President signed the bill which means it becomes a law.
  • Once the bill has been approved by the House of Representatives, The U.S. Senate, and the President the Bill becomes a law and is enforced by the government.
  • 10 to 12 days later....
  • Helping the people in need!
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