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Project Proposal

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Project Proposal
Storyboard That

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Tennis video game project proposal

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Serena '17
  • Main Menu
  • > Play Now > Mini games > Create Player > Practice
  • -Here you will choose your player -Select the court you want to play on -Choose opponent
  • Play Now
  • Here you will choose from a variety of different mini games to play to give the game another aspect of play without playing a full tennis match.
  • Mini Games
  • Create A Player
  • You can customize a player in here to make your player look exactly like you!
  • Practice
  • In this in-game option you can practice with your player to improve your skills.
  • > Structure a detailed and comprehensive project schedule > Develop a functioning game that integrates all the ideas we have planned for it > Stay on task with one completed game mode per week
  • Tasks
  • > Each group member takes lead on one game mode while everyone else helps develop their idea > Project overview is comprehensive so everyone has similar idea to what the end product will be > Individually go through project during development to make sure every little detail is correct
  • Work Breakdown
  • Project Gantt Chart
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu