Gosh, K. What is Urea? Medium. https://kgghosh1990.medium.com/what-is-urea-65277b3e007d (accessed 2024-04-09)Costando, J. P.; Lee, R. E. Urea Loading Enhances Freezing Survival and Postfreeze Recovery in a Terrestrially Hibernating Frog. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008, 211 (18), 2969-2975. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.019695.
Well it was nice to finally meet each other after all of this time together
Since my formula is CO(NH2)2, it is the sum of the mass of each of these elements: C+O+2(N)+4(H)
You see, I am highly soluble in water, so it facilitates my transport to body fluids, I can also dissolve other solvents like salt or sugar. I am also synthesized in your liver and transported through you bloodstream to your kidneys to execute any nitrogenous waste you may have through your urine.
Wow! So why are you in all my skin care products?
This means you are a polar molecule, making you soluble in polar compounds
I look like this!
These ones in a pink circle are my amino groups
Why do you look so weird?
And what are those lines?
So, how do you look like?
This group surrounded by a purple circle is my carboxyl group
I agree!
Those lines are all my polar bonds/regions that allow me to interact with other molecules
Due to my properties, I serve as a moisturizer, exfoliator, skin barrier strengthener, or as an anti-inflammatory
What does that mean?
Yes, that is correct!
Costanzo, J. P.; Lee, R. E. Urea Loading Enhances Freezing Survival and Postfreeze Recovery in a Terrestrially Hibernating Frog. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008, 211 (18), 2969–2975. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.019695.Ghosh, K. What is urea? Medium. https://kgghosh1990.medium.com/what-is-urea-65277b3e007d (accessed 2024-04-09).