Why Aeronn?Is there something wrong? Why you wanna know more about bullying?
Liuku: 2
Ok son.Did you know that some bullied kids experience anxiety, fear and depression?
No Dad! Don't worry about me. I have to know more about bullying because that's one of our topictomorrow in school.
Liuku: 3
That's why you must know what is bullying even if it is not your lesson in school.
Really dad?
Liuku: 4
Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someoneintentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physicalcontact, words, or more subtle actions.
If you were being bullied Dad, how would you know?
Liuku: 5
If you feel hurt or think others are laughing at you instead of with you, then the joke has gone too far. If it continues even after you’ve asked the person to stop and you are still feeling upset about it, then this could be bullying.
ok Dad. Then what is the best strategy for dealing with bullying?
Liuku: 6
Firmly and clearly tell the bully to stop, then walk away. Practice ways to ignore the hurtful remarks, like acting uninterested or texting someone on your cellphone. By ignoring the bully, you're showing that you don't care.
What if, he cannot stop from harassing me? To report what happened, to whom should I speak?