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Unknown Story

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • El Deafo By: Cece Bell
  • Exposition
  • Ashley, Sarah, Dad, Mom, Cece
  • I look fabulous in my bathing suit!
  • Rising Action
  • What are those in your ears? Are you deaf?
  • Umm....
  • By: Ishaan Bansal
  • Climax
  • Um.. I gotta go
  • It is ok Martha. It is nothing the doctor cant fix.
  • Wait! Dont leave, I am feeling better now.
  • The story takes place in Roanoke, Virginia in the 1970's. The main characters is Cece, a young girl in elementary school. She lives with her older siblings, Ashley and Sarah, as well as their parents. At a young age she becomes 80% deaf due to having meningitis. She wears hearing aids to help. Simple conversations are now so difficult! When her family moves, she goes to a new school where she has to make new friends and has to fit in with her disability.
  • Falling Action
  • I was just thinking the exact same thing!
  • We are gonna have so much fun tonight!!
  • The rising action was when Cece has to move to a new city after her hearing problem. When this happens, she has to go to a new school, make new friends, and fit in because of her hearing aids that no one else has. In the beginning of the school year, students try to be nice to Cece in ways that embarrass her in front of other students. People also asked questions like What are those in your ears? or Are you Deaf? These types of questions made her feel lonely and different than the other students.
  • Resolution
  • You guys think so?
  • Cece! Your hearing aid and microphone are so cool!
  • I think so too!
  • In the Climax, Cece and Martha are playing tag and Cece's eye is poked really badly by a tree. When this happens, Martha takes Cece home to show her mom who is very concerned. Martha feels badly about it even though it was not her fault. Cece and her mom try to tell her it was not her fault but she will not accept it. Martha left their house and did not come back for a while. Cece says to Martha's mom, But it isn't her fault! Not at all! It was an accident!! Cece lost her best friend.
  • In the Falling Action, Cece begins to interact more with people. She also makes new friends and gets to know her classmates. She also starts to have her first crush on Mike Miller around the fourth grade. Students also start to warm up to her too in the third grade. Cece's superhero imagination begins to appear more in the fourth grade when school becomes more intense. In her superhero world, she imagines a conversation with Martha, Repeat after me: You will be my sidekick and my true friend again...
  • In the resolution, Cece makes friends and is able to fit in. She also loves Roanoke over time and likes the people there because they were nice and understanding especially with her hearing aids. Everyone in her class thinks of her as a superhero because of her phonic ear and what she can do with it. Cece can hear whoever is wearing the microphone from pretty far distances. Martha asks, Are you sure you are not mad at me anymore? Cece responds that she was never mad at her. Cece and Martha become best friends again.
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