Noah and the Ark Genesis 6:11-22, 7:1-5, 8:1-3, 9:1-3
God told Noah that he was unhappy with the people, apart from him. He decided to send a flood to wipe out everything and told Noah to build an ark. Even though Noah didn't understand, he still did what he was asked.
The ark is finished and the animals arrive
After Noah built the ark with only the help of his sons. God made animals of all kinds come 2 by 2 inside
The flood starts
When everyone went inside the flood began and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
Noah sends a dove
The flood stops and everyone gets off
God speaks to Noah again
When the rain stopped Noah sent a raven and then a dove to see if the land has resurfaced from the water but they both came back with nothing, on his third attempt he sent another dove and when the dove came back it had an olive branch meaning that it had found dry land!
The water went down and all the animals got off
God spoke to Noah and told himthat he had done well. He promised to never flood the earth again and as a sign of His promise whenever it rains the rainbow will always appear.