This is a summary of how these two students cope with home learning. They have different strategies and different methods in studying. Want to know what happens next? Find out by reading the story!
StoryBoard (Group 8-8A)
Jerry Emmanuel Bontalilid
Aussie Leigh Estoque
Sean William S. Tombocon
Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti
Hello Guys! My name is Sean and I would like to show you how to cope up with home learning! Let me introduce you to my friends Aussie & Jerry and they will be explaining their own ways in studying.
Hello Guys! I'm Jerry! If you ask me, for what I am doing to keep up with home learning, this is how I do it.
And in order for you to be successful, you must study in advance, so that you won't be left behind from everyone else and to be at the top!
Hello guys! Today I'm gonna teaching you my ways on how to cope in home learning!
For me it doesn't matter if I don't do it in advance, but what I do is I work hard in order for me to reach the top.
As you can see guys! They have different methods. You don't really have to imitate to those who are smarter than you, you must find for what is comfortable with you! It doesn't matter if it doesn't require something to make it special, but maybe next time you'll might be the next Einstein!