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carbon cycle

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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carbon cycle
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Hello I'm here to talk about the carbon cycle.
  • I need to do photosynthesis because I need carbon to grow and not stay at a small height
  • plants need photosynthesis so they can get carbon and grow
  • I'm going to eat this grass so I can get some carbon.
  • animals that eat plants get there carbon from it, but others eat other animals to get there carbon
  • I'm breathing in oxygen
  • animals breath in oxygen and they release carbon dioxide when they breathe out
  • RIP we needed you to die because we need you to become a fossil fuel and plants.
  • when we burn fossil fuels we release carbon into the atmosphere.
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu