About halfway through Dr Jermeys sleep, he is woken up to the noise of his head buzzing which has been preventing him from working at his full potential. High angle shot of him sleeping.
Scene 10
When he wakes up after going back to sleep again, he looks out the window and sees that it is snowing, but he continues to hear the diegetic sound that has made him irritable and has been making work hard. Medium shot of him staring out of the window looking at the snow.
Scene 11
After getting extremely annoyed about the noise in his head, whilst working on some documents from home, he decides to do a quick check to make sure that the sound is not a sign of something serious and to see if he can fix the noise. High angle shot of him working on documents.
Scene 12
Continues to check himself and make sure that the sound in his ear is just his brain. Closeup shot of him checking himself.
He is confused, his test results do not match up so the noise might not be coming from his head. This noise has been making him irritable and confused, even nearly slipping up neurosurgery. Medium shot of him confused.
He finally realises that this noise which has made him nearly ruin and foil a neurosurgery has been coming from the neighbours heating, because it has been snowing. Closed frame shot of him looking out of a window. As camera dollys in.