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Lost Colony Comic Strip Part 1

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Lost Colony Comic Strip Part 1
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • John White and 120 colonists land on Roanoke Island
  • Land Ho!
  • John White leaves his daughter and the rest of the colony to retrieve more supplies from England. He won't be able to return for three more years.
  • I have to go back to England for more supplies.
  • Come back soon, Dad!
  • The longer time goes on, the less supplies the colony has left.
  • We are running out of food!
  • The colony is out of food and supplies. Manteo and his brother, Wanchese, help the colonists.
  • Please help us! We're out of food!
  • Here, you can have this pig.
  • Manteo and Wanchese can no longer provide at a fast enough rate for the growing colony. They decide to bring them to live with their tribe on Croatoan Island.
  • Some colonists clash with the natives and are subsequently killed. Others die from food poisoning, disease, etc.
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu