Camille is a student from Angola and a new entrant to the University of Porto. She has a question, which groups and researches she has at the University and how she can apply for them.
Wow that's amazing!Let's me see what have here
Camille is confused about where to find all this information centrally and ask questions
I'm going to get into this part of the Forum and Schedule. So that I can see the activities and projects that are taking place to meet the academic community
Camille searches on Google and on the University of Porto website and finds a page on the web and the U.Porto app, a part called Feup Inter Solutiono, which is dedicated exclusively to new international graduates
All synchronised with my windons or google account from Feup!
Through the password sigarra, you can centralize all services, schedule synchronization, links, with specialized services for international students
The student participates in forums organised by topics, processes and sees all the FEUP's programmes and the one exclusively dedicated to international students.
Achieving the best experience and information management for the International Student