Hi Miss, Metallic, Covalet and Ionic,how are you today, I hope good because today in the Big Big show we are with the superheroes.
applause everywere
My superpower depends on the sharing that how I safe people, I share a bad memory (electrons)and he distracts, then my sharing partners help me beat him
So Miss Covalent how do you save the day, what is your power about?
So Miss Metallic how do you save the day?, what is your power about?
My power help my superhero friends to save people, I gave to they part of different powers, I basically gave they power (atoms) to feel more strong, it depends of they force (atoms)
My power is to weak the opponent to him to lose strength on they power and then we beat they with the power gave by Miss metallicsometimes i get wrong and it happens the oppositei lose power and they getit is always in the way I transmit the power (atoms)
So Miss Ionic how do you save the day?, what is your power about?
Jajajajajja I am the villain, now I know your superpowers I am gonna win