Hey! I'm Matthew Fraser and today on April 26, 1983, I am hyping up my buddy Jeff Kuhlman for the school office!
Here he is on the left! We're great friends!
Well here goes the school day... hopefully its fun!
The day was just like any other and I sat through my BORING classes
But yay! Schools finally out!
Chief Justice Burger: Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) protected offensive speech!!
And now I get to go to the voluntary assembly where I will nominate my pal Jeff!
Justice Marshall: I agree with you guys! The school showed no proof of your speech disrupting education!
I gave my speech in front of 600 students but APPARENTLY I wasn't supposed to say what I said...
Now I have to wait outside the principal's office!!
The End
My parents and I were NOT okay with this!
So we went to court!!
Was my suspension for the use of bad language at school a violation of my first amendment free speech??
No!! The court said the school acted entirely within its permission for my offensive speech!
So I repeated my steps and went to the United States Supreme Court for my case
But they were no help and argued against me 7-2 that it was appropriate for the public school to punish me and prohibit my naughty language
My case impacted other schools too because the court ruled that a high school assembly was no place for inappropriate language
Personally, I think the court ruled unfairly and that Matthew had the right to promote his friend in a jokingly sexual metaphor. I did not find his language to be extremely inappropriate and due to the fact that they are all highschool students, I feel it was fair for him to speak inappropriately at a voluntary assembly in front of teenagers.