Wait so... what about religions that are more philosophical and don't worship (a) God(s), like Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, etc?
That's a great question, Maria! The answer is, Harari's theory is about superhumans, not about the supernatural. This is important, because Buddha, and some philosophers are important people, but that doesn't mean they have a special, omniscient force or power.
Liuku: 2
Wait, so... what about things like science? Doesn't that have to do with norms and rules as well?
It certainly does! However, at least as of now, there are not any values founded on it, and it is not stated that its rules go against what the superhumans say.
So if someone were to find or create human norms and values based off of science, it could technically be a religion?
Well, I assume so, yes!
Liuku: 3
Oh, I see! Harari believed more in the power of people and less in unknown forces?
Yes, exactly! He believed that the purpose of religion should be to believe in people, and the power of people as one.
Wow, thank you so much for teaching me all about Harari! I had no idea this conversation would last all day!