Hello class, I would like to welcome your new friend Haze Waze.
Haze Faze.
American Born Chinese: I was introduced incorrectly today on my first day of school coming from China. American schools were ran so much more differently, and I had trouble seeing myself fitting in.
Liuku: 2
There was only one other asian in my class named Suzy Nakamura.
I felt more at ease if I was around people like me, however, there was only one other girl who sat alone and seemed to be uninterested and shy. I was forced to make new friends and step out my comfort zone.
Liuku: 3
what the hell is that?
Already at lunch, I was being judged for what I was eating because they don't eat the same food here as people back home do. I felt really judged and didn't know how to react.
Liuku: 4
Class, please welcome your new friend Chei-Chei-Chun.
In a different class, a similar situation with a different kid who happened to be asian got introduced incorrectly too. I was upset and something made me want to beat him up. I did start adapting to American schools and started doing what they all did to fit in.
Liuku: 5
You're in America. Speak English.
Hey, you chinese right?
He approached me at lunch and spoke in Chinese asking if I was Chinese. I don't know why I was so rude but he just made me mad. I understood him and knew he wanted to be friends with me because I was Chinese but I don't think he adapted yet to American schooling.
Liuku: 6
He showed me his robotic toy his dad gifted him from China.
can i see your robot?
After a few weeks of noticing he wanted to be my friend, I finally gave him and we had a conversation about his robot toy. Wei-Chen became my best friend.