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Unknown Story

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Susan lived in a small house with her mother and brother. They did not have any extra money and could barely make ends meet. Yet, her friends always had the best phones and clothes.
  • Sure!
  • Let's go shopping I need an outfit for the party.
  • Hey Susan I just got the new iPhone want to see?
  • There was a big party on Friday and Susan's friends wanted to get new outfits even though they already had nice full closets at home. 
  • Do you guys really need more? You already have so much.
  • Susan was so sad because she could not afford a new outfit to wear to the party. Her friends had so much and she had nothing.
  • Why can't I have nice things like my friends?
  • Susan cried and her mom explained to her that material things do not matter, it is what's inside that is important.
  • The materialistic things are not important, you cannot take these things with you when you go to heaven. Its what's inside that matters.
  • Susan was happy she listened to her mom and realized that in heaven materialistic things have no value.
  • My mom was right! It does not matter what material objects I have. I am glad I came to the party.
  • Susan confronted her friends and told them that they really should help out and donate to others as they have so much. They agreed.
  • You guys have so much stuff you really should give to the people in need.
  • Yeah your right. 
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu