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1st opium war

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1st opium war
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • The beginning of the negotiations of nanking(panel 1)
  • The first opium war was fought between the Chinese and the British during September 4 to 1839 – August 29, 1842.  The Chinese was heavily overpowered and lacked modern weapons and navel ships, as well as discipline giving the Britains an advantage. The British took over multiple fortresses and cities such as Shanghai ect until they only had one vital city left, Nanking... However the Chinese emperor knew that if he lost this final battle, there would be no more negotiation. Thus the Chinese emperor sent a negotiator to Nanking to negotiate with the British in July 1842 . However,  in the 1842 in the middle of August, being tired of the Chinese's stallings, the British threatened to attack Nanking. This sped the negotiations.
  • Opium
  • Opium
  • Okay. We shall hold negotiations in Nanking
  • Opium
  • In the 17 August 1842 , the British made the Chinese agree to almost every point in the unfair treaty of Nanking, making the Chinese pay 21 million silver coins, more treaty ports in canton, Amoy, Foochow, shanghai and Ningbo. to be opened for the British, Hong Kong to be ceded to Britain, freer trades will happen, resulting in the abolishment of old Cohong monopoly. Tariff rates to be agreed on by British rather than being set by the Qing government, Consulates were established at treaty ports and that British subjects were given Extraterritorial privileges. The only things which the Chinese did not allow were christian missionaries and legalisation of opium, resulting directly in the 2nd opium war. This treaty  resulted in "The Century of Humiliation"
  • The unfair treaty of Nanking(panel 2)
  • Treaty of NankingTHE CHINESE WILL GIVE THE GREAT BRITIAN EMPIRE 21 MIILLION EUROS-Freer trade would happen-TARRIF RATES ARE TO BE AGREED UPON RATHER THAN SET BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT-HONG KONG IS TO BE GIVEN TO GREAT BRITIAN FOR 99 YEARS-British subjects are granted Extraterritorial privileges.-British consulates were established at treaty ports-The China government cant punish anyone for trading with the British
  • Levels of opium in China were on the rise...From  200 chests annually in 1729, it increased to 1,000 chests in 1767 and then to 10,000 annually between 1820 and 1830, each chest weight roughly 63kg. After the first war, although it was still illegal, opium trading increased in China drastically. By 1858, there was approximately 70,000 chests of opium in China before reaching a shocking peak number of 87000 chests at 1879.
  • After the opium war, as part of the treaty, the British Empire made the Qing emperor and subjects to give them 21 million silver dollars, and Hong Kong, which became a British colony.  Their subjects also gained extraterritorial privileges, more ports and Consulates. This allowed Britains to gain more money, more territory, more ports and spread further throughout the globe, as well as rewriting trade laws in China. This was considered the reparations for a war they didn't even start and was very unfair! (read treaty in panel 2)
  • 21 million silver dollars
  • So much? That's outrageous! I guess i have no choice... Here you go.
  • The British gained riches, privileges and territory from the war...(Panel 5
  • As reparations, you must pay 21 Million silver dollars, privileges and give us Hong Kong and agree to everything else on our treat or else.
  • TREATYTreaty of Nanking-THE CHINESE WILL GIVE THE GREAT BRITIAN EMPIRE 21 MIILLION EUROS-Freer trade would happen-TARRIF RATES ARE TO BE AGREED UPON RATHER THAN SET BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT-HONG KONG IS TO BE GIVEN TO GREAT BRITIAN FOR 99 YEARS-British subjects are granted Extraterritorial privileges.-British consulates were established at treaty ports-The China government cant punish anyone for trading with the British
  • After the war, despite Opium still being illegal, the new rewritten laws allowed and  caused opium imported into china to increase. As the amount of opium imports increased(Panel 3), so did the opium users. There were millions of addicts in 1838 even before the war. This number rised even more after the war when the Chinese were allowed to trade with the British without any punishments, meaning they could freely trade opium. Soon, an astonishing number of the Chinese citizens became addicts, weakening and killing off the Chinese population! (read panel 3 to find out the opium rise in detail)
  • How did my citizens become such serious Opium addicts even after the war?
  • After the war, exports of opium increased, so did the users...(Panel 6
  • many citizens became addicted
  • After paying Britain 21 million silver coins as reparations, their economy went downhill after losing so much money. Not to mention all their precious silver being spent on opium even before the war. This caused a trade deficit, meaning its exports were worth lesser than its imports. This caused China's economy to suffer and destabilised the empire, causing them to be on the brink of bankruptcy.
  • After the war, Chinese economy went downhill after paying Britian 21 silver dollars as reparations.(panel 7)
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