One major theme of "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" by Rod Sterling is fear and suspicion are destructive.One example that supports this theme is on page 81 when Don starts to accuse Steve along with the rest of the people after seeing him with Les Goodman. Because Don was suspicious of Steve he not only started accusing his own friend , but he ended up sharing personal information about the ham radio set with the town, causing an even more hectic atmosphere. This fear and suspicion possibly destroyed their friendship and obscured the trust he once had. Additionally another example on page 82 is when Charlie shot Pete Van Horn, thinking he was a monster. Charlie along with the rest of the town were already in a state of panic so when a dark figure emerged from the darkness that only added to their paranoia. As a result of that fear in a frenzy of rushed and reckless actions Charlie fired, destroying a human life, none the less one of their neighbors. This shows that when in a state of fear actions can be rash and impulsive and sometimes unfortunately destructive. The last example to support this theme on pages 84-86 is at the end of the teleplay when the townspeople as become doubtful of one another and as is implied kill each other. After Charlie killed Pete he blamed Tommy to spare his own life, swearing that Tommy was at blame. Then all of a sudden the people were convinced that Tommy was the scapegoat, then the light in Don's house went on and now he was the one to get. Never mind the fact that these people had known each other for maybe five years, as soon as something unusual or unexpected happen they were quick to judge and jump to conclusions. All this doubt caused them to fight within themselves, leaving the aliens to do no other job but turn on the light in different houses. This illustrates that when fear and doubt take hold of someones mind and cause them to do hasty things the result can be disastrous they destroyed their neighbors properties and their neighbors themselves. Ultimately the main theme for The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street is that fear and suspicion can be destructive.
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The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street Theme: Fear and Suspicion are destructive